Welcome to the Office of Student Conduct

& Judicial Affairs

The Student Conduct process is administered by the Vice President of Student Life and Engagement Division. The office favors a holistic approach to helping students reach their fullest potential. The Office of Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs is responsible for relaying the importance of having all students abide by the Rules and Regulations of Texas Southern University.

For everyone’s protection, the Student Code of Conduct can be easily accessed via the TSU website. While all affiliates of the University recognize the value of offering education, it is also vital to disseminate information regarding appropriate behavior (do’s and don’ts) for all students. The TSU Office of Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs publicizes university rules and regulations campus-wide through seminars, counseling, and classroom presentations throughout the year.

Texas Southern University has No Tolerance for Fighting, Drugs, and Weapons. Any student found responsible for violations of the Student Code of Conduct creates a serious risk of disciplinary action, which may result in a suspension or expulsion from the University.

All problems and concerns are important, and they are never considered too small for administrators to hear. We ensure that we will assist you in making appropriate decisions throughout your matriculation. Information exchanged between the student and administrators during a disciplinary hearing and/or pre-conference meeting is strictly confidential. Contact the Office of Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs to obtain additional information regarding rules and regulations set forth by the University.

The Office of Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs is located in the Sterling Student Life Center in Suite 232. Make it a point to stop by as Judicial Affairs promotes and reinforces positive behavior. Remember, the Office of Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs is also here to receive any complaints that you may have concerning other students. We aim to assist you in following the correct procedure for reporting or responding to incidents that may affect you on the TSU campus.

